Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Education Career And Board Essay - 867 Words

ï€ ­ Education, Career, Board Affiliations Nicole Weinstein is a consultant/teacher, currently working as an â€Å"Application Coach,† assisting students with the written parts of their college, independent school and graduate school application essays. She’s been part of the faculty or adjunct faculty of St. Josephs College, Hunter College High School and Brooklyn Technical High School. Nikki started her career at CBS News as a writer and has contributed written pieces and commentary to NPR, on everything from mock rockers to real rockers, travel to urban bird watching. After graduating from Kenyon College, she moved to New York City, and was a writer and editor for Timeout magazine. In 2001, she quit her job at Timeout to begin freelance†¦show more content†¦(NOTE-although it appears that Nikki was active with KCA in the mid 2000’s, it’s not known if she continues to be active with the group today. There is no available information about her supporting KCA, or serving on its board of directors. Nikki is married to Samuel â€Å"Sam† Simmons, a television writer and producer who’s held positions at MTV, the Al Roker Entertainment, Spike TV and Viacom (TV Land, Nick at Nite and Nickelodeon). Sam is currently Director of Program Development at MSG Networks, which owns and operates two regional sports and entertainment networks – MSG Network (MSGN) and MSG+. In April 2017, MSG Network executive chair, James Dolan, announced that the company was looking to† sell itself,† possibly to Verizon or ATT, which are both looking to increase their content. No further information about the sale is available. (Note although MSGN is a public company Sam Simmons is not an SEC Insider, required to disclose his shares. However, as an employee of the company, he may own at least some shares of its stock which as of 7/6/2017 is trading at $22.3165 a share, and is expected to increase if the MSGN sale goes through). - Philanthropy o Nikki is President and Director of the Aline and Leo Jacobsohn Foundation. The foundation’s other five directors are all extended Jacobsohn family and include David A Jacobsohn, Tania Jacobsohn Koolik, a clinical psychologist living in Delray Beach, Ilan NShow MoreRelatedShould Everyone Undertake University887 Words   |  4 PagesASSIGNMENT: REFERENCED ESSAY TITTLE: EDUCATION TOPIC 1: SHOULD EVERYONE BE REQUIRED TO UNDERTAKE A UNIVERSITY EDUCAtion DATE: 6 JANUARY 2013 In modern life, many students choose to enter university or college after they have graduated high school because higher education is a good environment to prepare for their future. 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